
    Iprodione 97TC,50WP,25SC,50SC

    Molecular Formula: C13H13Cl2 N3O3

    Molecular Weight: 330.2

    Appearance: white, odourless, non-hygroscopic crystals or powder.

    Applications: Contact fungicide with protective and curative action. Inhibits germination of spores and growth of fungal mycelium.

    Uses: Control of Botrytis, Monilia, Sclerotinia, Alternaria, Corticium, Helminothosporiu, Phoma, Rhizoctonia, Typhula spp., etc. Used mainly on sunflowers, cereals, fruit trees, berry fruit, oilseed rape, rice, cotton, vegetables, and vines as a foliar spray at0.5-1.0kg a.i./ha, and on turf at 3-12kg/ha. Can also be used as a post-harvest dip, as a seed treatment, or as a dip or spray at planting.

    Formulation types: 50%WP, SC, WG

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