
    Mepiquat chloride 98% TC

    1. Basic Information:
    Mepiquat chloride is a commonly used plant growth regulator at present. It is a kind of plant growth retardant, which can prevent plants from over growing, and has been used by many countries like USA, Mexico, Canada, Australia, etc.


    3. Mode of Actions:

    • Restrain the elongation of cell;
    • Inhibit gibberellic acid synthesis in plants;
    • Stay the growth of nutrition;
    • Make plants shorter and increase content of chlorophyll;
    • Control growth of main stem and branches to lower the plant;
    • Help flowers and fruits not to fall, accelerate mature and increase turnout.      

    4. Toxicological test:

    • The acute oral toxicity of mepiquat chloride TC in adult rats is low;
    • The acute dermal toxicity is low;
    • The acute inhalation toxicity is low;
    • The mepiquat chloride has no irritation to rabbit eyes and skin.
    • The 3-causing test is negative, mepiquat chloride is not teratogenic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic.

    5. Environmental impact data of mepiquat chloride:
         Mepiquat chloride has low environmental toxicity, little impact on beneficial organisms, and easy degradation in water and soil.

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