

    Common name Trichlorfon/ dipterex/ trichlorphon
    Chemical name Dimethyl (2,2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxyethyl)phosphonate
    CAS No 52-68-6
    Molecular formula C4H8Cl3O4P
    Description 1.Melting Point:78.5°C 2.Vapour Pressure:13.33(100°C) 3.Molecular weight:257.45 4.Density:1.73g/cm3 5.Solubility (20°C) : In water 120g/L , toluene 20-50g/L, dichloromethane , isopropanol > 200g/L
    Toxicity ReviewsJECFA 54, FAO/WHO 30, 31 (see part 2 of the Bibliography). IARC ref. 30 class 3 Oral Acute oral LD50 for male and female rats c.250 mg/kg. Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 (24 h) for male and female rats >5000 mg/kg. Not irritating to skin and eye (rabbits). Inhalation LC50 (4 h) for male and female rats >2.3 mg/l air (aerosol). NOEL (2 y) for rats 100, for mice 300 mg/kg diet; (4 y) for dogs 50 mg/kg diet. ADI (JECFA) 0.02 mg/kg b.w. [2000]; (JMPR) 0.01 mg/kg b.w. [1978]. Toxicity class WHO (a.i.) II; EPA (formulation) II EC classification Xn; R22| R43
    Mode of action Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action.
    Function Insecticidal control in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, food storage, gardening, households, and animal husbandry. In particular, control of Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera on many crops. For agricultural uses, applied at 300-1200 g/ha. Also used to control household pests such as flies, cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs, silverfish, ants, etc.; as a fly bait in farm buildings and animal houses; and for control of ectoparasites on domestic animals.

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