DA-6(Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate)
Physical and chemical property: Pure white crystal, easily soluble in water, soluble in organic agent, such as ethanol, methanol, acetone. Stable at normal temperature, ester odor.
Detection method: HPLC C18 column, methanol + water as the mobile phase.
Application: A Broad spectrum of plant growth regulators, especially for soybean, earthnut, tuber, leafy vegetable, significant effects on banana, mango and so on. Also as synergist for fertilizer and fungicides.
Functional characteristics:
Seed soaking. Promote germination, rooting, cultivate seedlings strong and average.
Seedbed spraying. Strong seedlings, average seedlings, antiseptic, increase seedlings forming rate and transplants survival rate.
Foliar spray: Promote growth, fruit enlargement, flower and fruit protection, roots enlargement, stem enlargement.
Foliar spray. Resilient, detoxification, thaw, saline and alkaline solution, floods and drought solution, and other inverse diseases.
Better efficiency when compounded with other fertilizers, fungicide, insecticide, herbicide.
Using methods:
Used alone, 10-15 ppm (mg/kg) best.
Mixed use, when used with fertilizer, germicide, and insecticide, etc, add 10 ppm (mg/kg).
Storage method: Store at dry, cool place.
Note: Large quantity of DA-6 can inhibit plant growth.
Quality assurance period: 2 years under required storage conditions.